Monday, August 27, 2012

For Those of You not In To Miss Stardoll World...

       Some of you out there might be thinking that you guys dont have a fighting chance against millions of other people  around the world of you just dont feel like campaigning. Well, I have a compition in mind for you guys called the....

For the fashionista you really are!.... compition!

Its pretty simple. If you would like to enter you simply:

1. Use your smarts and think of a dress of outfit ( use just about anything) and take a picture and email it to if this isnt clear enough, this is a fashion stylist and design compition, YOU CANNOT TAKE CREDIT FOR OTHER PEOPLES WORK! if you do so you are disqualified from this compition.

2. Write a small except of what inspired you or why you did this piece. Be as professional as possible. Max. 200 Words.

3. Fill out the following form below and email it in with the rest of your entry.

MeDoll's Name:
State or Country:
Superstar or Non- Superstar:

4. Vote Keaiilah1 For MSW so that she may supply you with your prize IF she gets a higher title than semi- finalist

Prizes (5 winners) :

First place winner will win:

A free Top to Bottom Makeover (clothes included so you can keep them)
Superstar OR 200 Stardollars
An Interveiw
A suite Makeover ( no pass needed)
Your outfit to be sold all over the Stardoll community
A winners dress
A winners hairstyle
And a cute pet :)

Other winners will win:

up to 100 stardollars
A free top to bottom makeover ( clothes not included)
An Interveiw
A suite Makeover
Your outfit sold all over the Stardoll Community
A winners Dress
A winners Hairstyle
And a Cute Pet ;)


1.You cannot take credit for other peoples work

2. If she gets highest title all prizes are doubled

3. Have fun

Conteset ends when finalists are picked for MSW.

Get Designing

Miss Stardoll World

Its Time You All Have Been Waiting For!